The people's voice of reason


Fall. It is a season that reminds us of endings. Once thriving leaves now drop from their branches bursting with color, but dying. Beautiful summer flowers have lost their grandeur. Colder temperatures flow in and bright, long days full of sunshine move out. We are inundated with change. We are regularly reminded of our helplessness to stop the flow of God’s creation. We are caught between summer and winter in the fleeting uniqueness of autumn. Though the season brings its own joy with fabulous scents and colors of orange, yellow, and red; we know it is the end of summer.

As we enjoy the changes of fall, let it remind us of a vital truth. I believe God intends for us to see with physical eyes something that points to a lasting, spiritual truth. When you look at a fallen leaf or disintegrating summer flower; think this thought:

“All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever.” (I Peter 1:24)

Let crinkling leaves and fallen blossoms remind us of something God wants us to always at the base of our thinking – we are finite and soon to pass. Any glory we claim to have is as transitory as summer leaves. We live and we die. We seek to accomplish much, but in the end we disappear from this earth. We cannot prevent this. We stand helpless before our “fall.”

Notice the severe difference God highlights between people and His Word. People wither and fall as the grass. God’s Word stands forever! God’s Word never bends or loses its glory. Its beauty never fades; it’s “color” never wanes. No season comes that stops God’s Word. It endures! No weather pattern knocks God’s Word down. No disease causes His Word to waste away. No disaster or tragedy causes His Word to twist or weaken. Through every change, through every heart break, through every earth-shattering event, through death itself; the Word of God stands!

God tells us in I Peter 1:22, “For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.”

Do you see it? We can be born again of an imperishable seed through God’s Word! When we put our hope for forgiveness and salvation in Jesus Christ, we are born of a seed that cannot be abolished – a seed that lasts forever and ever. Come seasons, winds, storms, difficulties, even death itself; but we will survive and live forever because the everlasting Word of God. And, friends, that is something we should gladly and humbly accept!

Many blessings!


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