Monday, October 18 – Alabama Gazette Office
Last year's support of The Rotary Clubs throughout Montgomery and across central and south Alabama was outstanding. We look forward to doing our part to eradicate Polio throughout the world, again this year. Please support us by contacting your local rotary and being part of Purple Pinkie Day 2021!
The 48 Rotary Clubs in District 6880 marked historic progress toward a polio-free world urging the community to help end the paralyzing disease by participating in the "Purple Pinkie Day" fundraising effort and recognizing World Polio Day, October 24th.
The Rotary Clubs throughout Montgomery and central and south Alabama will recognize Polio's Eradication Purple Pinkie Day on Monday, October 18th, 2021, when boxes of pink tipped "Long John" finger shaped donuts will be delivered to Rotary Clubs throughout the District, where they will be organized and then delivered to each purchaser / donor.
Many purchasers of the tasty treats picked up their donuts, while many donated donuts, purchased by Rotarians, will be distributed to local first responders including fire stations, ambulance service, law enforcement, hospital staff, nursing homes and other heroes impacted by COVID 19.
Recognizing World Polio Day, October 24th, in a united effort to eradicate polio off the face of the earth, the 48 Rotary Clubs of District 6880 wish to thank each person who supported this very important initiative.
For more information, visit:
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