The people's voice of reason

Herschel Walker for Georgia and America

I am doing everything in my power to assure that Republicans take back the United States House and Senate in next year’s midterm elections. The road to taking back the Senate goes through Georgia and Herschel Walker. Herschel is a patriot, and he is running for Senate for all the right reasons. He loves America and he loves Georgia. When asked about why he is running by radio host Clay Travis he stated “My life ain’t about me. It’s about helping other people.” He knows that current Left Wing Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock is not there to help Georgia, but to ram the Democrats socialist agenda down America’s throat.

I had the great fortune of attending a Hershel Walker rally hosted by as Herschel stated, “The greatest president in American history Donald Trump.” Herschel first professional football game was played for Donald Trump’s New Jersey Generals, and they have remained friends for over 40 years.

Herschel’s friends and supporters from all over the country assembled in President Trump’s home in Mar-a-Lago to show their support. I especially enjoyed meeting former Boston College and professional quarterback Doug Flutie. Herschel and Doug were both Heisman trophy winning college football players and New Jersey Generals teammates. I also met All time Atlanta Braves great Tom Glavine who traveled to Florida to support his friend Herschel. The event was filled with confidence and optimism as everyone knew that Herschel Walker is the right man at the right time, and he is going to be the next Senator from the great state of Georgia.

It was both an honor and a privilege to be able to spend time with two great Americans—Herschel Walker and President Donald J. Trump!


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