The people's voice of reason

Joy to the World or Joy to the Left Kamala's Economic Nonsense Unveiled

Remember that old Three Dog Night hit, “Joy to the World”? You know, the one with the ridiculous lyrics about a bullfrog named Jeremiah? It’s a catchy tune, but let’s be honest, the lyrics are complete nonsense. It’s hard to believe that song became a hit, but hey, it was the 70s, a time when people were looking for anything to take their minds off the mess that the country was in brought on by Jimmy Carter’s economic policies. Fast forward to today, and we’re seeing a similar kind of nonsense being peddled by the left and their lapdogs in the media, but this time, it’s far more dangerous. The mainstream media can't seem to stop talking about the "joy" surrounding Kamala Harris's presidential campaign. They gush over her every move, painting a picture of endless optimism and success. But just like the song the joy they’re selling is based on nothing but pure fantasy. What they won’t tell you is that Harris’s newly unveiled economic policies are a disaster waiting to happen, filled with the same kind of nonsense that has led nations to ruin throughout history.

Vice President Kamala Harris, in her socialist foray into economic policy, has unveiled a plan that is every bit as nonsensical as those lyrics about a bullfrog bringing joy to the world. Only this time, instead of harmless nonsense, we’re talking about policies that threaten to bring misery and despair to the American people.

Harris’s plan? Soviet-style price controls that would bring a smile to Stalin’s face on all grocery items and virtual government takeover of the housing market. The very same policies that have led to economic disaster time and time again are now being touted as the solution to the problems actually caused by the Biden Harris Administration. And the mainstream media, predictably, is falling in line, singing the praises of these disastrous ideas as if they were the second coming of FDR. As former major Democrat donor Billionaire investor Bill Ackman so succinctly stated: Kamala Harris’s economic plan is to increase demand with subsidies and to reduce supply with price controls, and to do so in the first 100 days of her administration. Who is her economic adviser? Will he or she at least explain how this is supposed to work without massive inflation? Even the liberal Washington Post has trashed the plan, advising Kamala that “when your opponent calls you a ‘communist,’ maybe don’t propose price controls.”

But let’s get real. Price controls have never worked, and they never will. Just look at Venezuela, where government-imposed price controls led to rampant shortages, a collapsed economy, and millions of people fleeing their country in search of a better life. In the 70s US price controls on gasoline brought rationing and two-hour lines. Or take a look all the way back at ancient Rome, where Diocletian’s price edicts led to widespread economic chaos and was a major cause of the fall of the Roman Empire. Price controls for centuries have not brought prosperity; they have brought misery.

And what about Harris’s plans for the housing market? This is nothing short of a disaster in the making. The federal government, under Harris’s plan, would throw money at the housing market, driving up prices and making it even harder for ordinary Americans to afford a home. It’s the same failed strategy the government has used in higher education—pouring money into the system, which only serves to drive up costs, leaving students buried in debt and colleges raking in the profits.

Harris’s economic policies are not just nonsense—they’re dangerous to our very existence as a country. They will lead to more government control, less freedom, and more misery for the American people. It’s time to wake up and realize that the joy Harris and the Democrats are promising is nothing more than a bullfrog’s fantasy. If we let them have their way, the only thing we’ll be singing about is the loss of our economic freedom.

It’s time to reject these socialist fantasies and get back to what made America great: free markets, individual liberty, and limited government. Let’s not be fooled by catchy tunes or catchy slogans. The stakes are too high, and the consequences of failure are too great.



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