(September 19, 2024) Vaxxed III: Authorized To Kill is a powerful movie that you need to see.
TL;DR—it’s about what was done to us during the pandemic. It’s shocking and hard to watch at times, but watch it anyway.
Vaxxed III is a film that cuts across all lines. It deals directly and honestly with what may be THE issue of our times: the COVID pandemic and how this country dealt with it.
Those who have seen Vaxxed and Vaxxed II will recognize the format of Vaxxed III immediately. And, like Vaxxed II, the biggest star in the film is the Vaxxed Bus.
The crew traveled around the country in the Bus, collecting stories from patients, families, health care professionals and survivors of the pandemic. These ordinary people were then offered the chance to sign the bus, creating a rolling monument to those who suffered and died from the COVID “vaccines” and the “treatments” imposed on the nation by our government and healthcare “leaders.”
Like the first Bus for Vaxxed II, the Vaxxed III Bus was covered with names, dates and messages by the end of the filming tour. It now represents a rolling monument to the countless victims of the pandemic. I don’t know what’s become of the Busses, but I sincerely hope they have been preserved. The names they carry deserve to be remembered.
Vaxxed and Vaxxed II focused on childhood vaccine injury and the lack of proven safety and clear benefits from them. Vaxxed III begins similarly, with interviews about people who either “Died Suddenly” or suffered severe reactions and injury from the COVID “vaccines.” The COVID “vaccines” (aka “jabs”) were a radical departure from traditional vaccines—so much so that the definition of “vaccine” had to be changed to accommodate these new genetic therapies (because that’s what they were, not classical vaccines). And as for “safe and effective,” as we were repeatedly told? Not at all, and no.
Vaxxed III briefly explains why the jabs are associated with massive increases in turbo cancers. The spike protein the jabs cause your body to make suppresses interferon—a natural substance that suppresses cancer. Spike proteins also bind to p-53 cancer-suppressing cells, reducing their suppressing function. While Vaxxed III doesn’t specifically mention long-term cancer risk, this is something we’ll be dealing with for decades to come.
If the controversy surrounding the COVID jabs, their lack of safety and efficacy and questionable pre-release testing was all Vaxxed III dealt with, it would still be worth watching. However, this is only one of several topics covered in this film.
Remember all the social distancing lunacy we endured? Band practices in individual tents? Lockdowns and isolation suits to hug your family? Mask mandates? Vaxxed III briefly reminds us of all of that, because we can never let ourselves forget just how insane our society collectively went, for no good reason except the Powers That Be told us to. We were all manipulated when we were told it was either comply, or die.
Perhaps the most disturbing part of Vaxxed III is the film’s coverage of the COVID protocols hospitals were compelled to use through coercion and financial incentives. By offering a 20% reimbursement increase for every COVID diagnosis given to Medicare patients, the federal government heavily influenced hospitals to follow the “official protocols”—often with lethal results.
Remdesivir—aka Run Death Is Near—is an antiviral drug that is infamous for killing more people than the placebo in an Ebola trial. Remdesivir is so bad, in fact, that the Ebola trial was stopped prematurely because it was killing 53% of the patients who received it. And yet, Dr. Anthony Fauci touted it for months while poo-pooing old, safe and effective drugs like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. With the highly-encouraged early use of ventilators, remdesivir was part of the protocols that many family members blame for their loved one’s deaths.
Vaxxed III discusses the financial incentives hospitals and physicians were offered to use the recommended protocols. For those who haven’t heard this information before it may be hard to believe. I was shocked when I first began hearing it from other physicians and nurses. That the government was literally subsiding hospitals to give ineffective, often lethally harmful care was bad enough. That hospitals readily took the money and disciplined or fired doctors and nurses who refused to violate their oaths by acquiescing to care that actually did harm?
No way, I thought. Then I realized that yes, way; it was happening, and it was happening everywhere. Vaxxed III pulls no punches about this, which makes it both hard to watch and essential to see.
If Vaxxed III has a weakness as a film, it’s in not emphasizing strongly enough the destruction of people’s trust in their doctors, their hospitals and their government. We were told we only needed to lock down for “15 days to slow the spread”—then we were locked down for months. We were told the jabs would get us back to normal—they didn’t. We were told the jabs were safe and effective—they were neither.
For the first time in history, doctors told people there was nothing they could do for them; go home and when you get sicker go to the hospital—where patients were cut off from their families, put on ventilators and given dangerous drugs without proper informed consent.
If I had to describe the hell too many Americans were sentenced to by Big Medicine during the height of the pandemic in three words, I’d say Isolation, Intubation and Infusion. Vaxxed III doesn’t use those words to describe what happened, but they’re in the stories families tell of their loved one’s final moments.
Trust, once lost through betrayal, is almost impossible to regain. That is the underlying message of Vaxxed III. The people most responsible for guiding us through the pandemic—authority figures and leaders, doctors and nurses, the hospitals we depend on—betrayed us as individuals and as a nation. Whether it was for greed or the desire for power, control or recognition, we were failed by those we entrusted with our health and safety.
For many Americans, that trust has been irrevocably destroyed. For many more, the trust they had in the medical system may return slowly, if at all, and it will never be what it once was.
Sadly, there are all too many who drank the Kool Aid, took the blue pill and still believe what the legacy media tells them. They're easy to spot—they’re still wearing their masks, even now. They’re still social distancing, and will flinch and scurry away if you so much as sneeze near them. They’ll dismiss Vaxxed III as Fake News, assuming they watch it in the first place (they probably won’t, they’ll jump right to condemning it). They’re too far gone into the madness, and it’s not worth your time to try to convince them otherwise.
For the rest of us, Vaxxed III is a memorial to those who died or were injured during the COVID pandemic. It’s a reminder of just what was forced on us through fear and propaganda. Most importantly, it’s a warning for the future, so that we can avoid making these mistakes again.
The Vaxxed III premier was a one night only event, but I expect it to be released soon for streaming and on disc at https://vaxxed3.childrenshealthdefense.org/.
Dr. Bill Chitwood is a retired Child, Adolescent and Family Psychiatrist who does political consulting and media relations. He is the author of Beyond Maga, available on Amazon under his pen name, Doc Contrarian. He can be found on Substack and social media as @DocContrarian.
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