October 22, 2024 - Recently, the Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) sent out a press release that started with this:
“The Alabama Department of Public Health, the Alabama Hospital Association, and the Medical Association of the State of Alabama are encouraging Alabamians to ask their physician about the flu shot and other vaccines as a part of a statewide Ask Your Doctor campaign. Helpful information and additional resources can be found at https://www.alabamapublichealth.gov/immunization/ask.html”
It went on to extol the virtues of the seasonal flu shot, the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) shot, the pneumonia shot and, of course, the updated 2024-2025 COVID shot.
My first thought was, “Seriously? They’re still pushing the COVID jabs for infants 6 months and up? Despite all we know about the damn things?”
My next several thoughts were anatomically improbable, thoroughly unsuited for a family-friendly publication like The Gazette, and likely to result in embarrassing trips to the ER if attempted.
What they’re really saying when they’re “encouraging Alabamians to ask their physician about the flu shot and other vaccines as a part of a statewide Ask Your Doctor campaign” is “ask your doctor to pump you full of as many jabs as they possibly can, because the jabs are safe and effective! Trust the Science™!”
Yeah, no. Not happening. Even before COVID, I hadn’t taken a flu shot in years, and don’t plan to start now. I haven’t had the first COVID jab, and won’t be getting the new & “improved” one. Yes, I did get the Rona once and felt kinda crappy for a few days, but vitamins, cold meds and hot & sour soup pulled me through. Now I have natural immunity to that strain, take vitamins regularly, keep cold meds in the cabinet, and have several Chinese restaurants on speed dial.
Ask yourself this before you go begging your doctor to jab you and your family: do you know someone, or know someone who knows someone, who was injured or died from the COVID jab? Odds are, you do. Do you know anyone who got the jab and now regrets it? Finally, do you know anyone who didn’t get the jab, and now regrets NOT getting it?
I don’t know anyone who’s unjabbed and sorry they didn’t take it. They may miss their job and didn’t enjoy the grief they endured for refusing it, but they certainly don’t regret not getting the experimental genetic therapy that’s only called a “vaccine” because the Powers That Be changed the definition of “vaccine” to squeeze it in.
If you’re reluctant to take any of these jabs, be prepared for lots of pressure to be brought down on you. Your health care professionals will use fear, shame and guilt to try to get as many needles in you and yours as possible. The vast majority of them aren’t purposefully trying to hurt you, but a) they’re stuck in their programming and b) they’re under tremendous pressure themselves.
Dirty little secrets time: with the “fundamental transformation” Obamacare wrought on our healthcare system, most docs and nurse practitioners aren’t their own bosses in private practice anymore. They’re employees of a corporation. Most of them have very clear carrot-and-stick incentives hanging over them to get needles in arms. The carrots are typically bonuses paid if they reach certain “standards of practice goals,” or some such rot. Simply, the more of their patients they get jabbed, the higher their bonus is common. Fail to get enough people jabbed, and they can lose money, or even their jobs. That's the evil stick.
Keep that in mind when they’re leaning on you to get vaccinated. You probably don’t want to ask them directly about that. It’ll embarrass and/or anger them, get you labeled a “bad patient,” and won’t help the situation. They may not even be able to answer because of non-disclosure or confidentiality clauses in their contracts.
As I said—the evil stick.
At any rate, here are some more questions that I can guarantee ADPH, the Alabama Hospital Association (AHA) and the Medical Association of the State of Alabama (MASA) do NOT want you to “Ask Your Doctor.”
—if the COVID jabs are so effective, why do Biden and Fauci keep getting COVID?
—if the jabs are so safe, what about the 17-20 million deaths worldwide that are estimated to have been caused by the jabs?
—if all the jabs are so safe and effective, why did AstraZenica pull its jab from the market?
—if the Pfizer jabs are so safe, and the testing proving them so done well, why did the FDA want 75 years to release the Pfizer jab testing data?
—if the jabs are so safe, why have cancer rates in one study surged 52% in the fully vaccinated aged 15-59? Why are cancer rates, and cancer deaths, rising around the globe?
—if the jabs are so safe and effective, why have the jabs been associated with disorders of the heart, brain & nervous system, reproductive system, circulatory system and soft tissues?
—why did the CDC redact every single word in a 148 page report on myocarditis after the jab?
—why did a recent UK review of 1.7 million children find “Among both adolescents and children, myocarditis and pericarditis were documented only in the vaccinated groups”
Finally, do NOT ask them why, if the vaccines are so wonderfully safe and effective, their vaccines won’t protect them from the disease unless we’re vaccinated, too? It’s a minor point that everyone seems to have overlooked: if these things truly work as advertised—that “vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don’t get sick”—why should you jabbed-up people even care whether I get jabbed or not? Aren’t you, like, protected?
Oh, wait…that was “walked back” a couple of days later. In other words, it was a lie. Just like “safe and effective,” based on reams and reams of data.
I could go on, but instead, I’ll just give you this link: https://openvaers.com/covid-data. That will take you to the OpenVAERS site where you can see the most current COVID vaccine adverse events reported. As of October 4th, 2024, there were 37,966 deaths, 218,241 hospitalizations, 10,889 cases of anaphylaxis, 28,641 cases of myocarditis/pericarditis, 21,952 heart attacks, 5,155 miscarriages, 9,282 cases of low platelets and 47,059 severe allergic reactions associated with the jabs. That’s from the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System), which notoriously UNDERESTIMATES the number of Bad Things that happen post-jab. One infamous study found that “fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported.”
Let that sink in. Those numbers are potentially “fewer than 1%.”
Safe and effective? Hardly…but we’ve known that for a while now.
Here’s the big, ugly question: knowing what we do, why are ADPH, AHA and MASA so eager for you to “Ask Your Doctor” to jab you and your family, including babies as young as 6 months? I didn’t even get into all the issues surrounding the 71 shots (yes, I counted them; that omits dengue fever and monkeypox shots) the CDC recommends for kids from birth to age 18, but trust me, they’re scary, and the Pediatricians are notorious for pushing the jabbing of our kids.
It’s likely that the pressure on ADPH, AHA and MASAto push the jab comes from above—Washington and Big Pharma, which is effectively the same source. Jabs are big business, and the amount of regulatory capture of the FDA by the drug companies is probably as bad as RFK Jr. says it is. I’ll bet that our Alabama alphabets are pushing these jabs because it’s what they’ve been told to do as “good medicine.”
If that’s the case, I only have one more question: good for whom?
Primum non nocere, guys. Primum non nocere.
As usual, I’ll put links to the important things above in the version of this article I publish on my Substack, DocContrarian.Substack.com.
Dr. Bill Chitwood is a retired Child, Adolescent and Family Psychiatrist who does political consulting and media relations. He is the author of Beyond Maga, available on Amazon under his pen name, Doc Contrarian. He can be found on Substack and social media as @DocContrarian.
Opinions expressed in the Alabama Gazette are the opinions and viewpoints of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Alabama Gazette staff, advertisers, and/ publishers.
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