October 27, 2024–Last week, Alabama’s own Drs. Jordan Vaughn and Stewart Tankersley talked about the origins of COVID and “The Pfizer Papers” on their regular podcast.
The pair begin with several clips featuring ex-CDC Director Robert Redfield speaking with UNC-Chapel Hill about the Wuhan wet market vs Gain of Function (GoF) lab as the original source for the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Dr. Redfield repeated the multiple signs that the virus was engineered in a lab instead of jumping from bats to humans in the wet market.
As you’ll recall, the wet market origin was the “official” narrative for some time, and you’d be censored on social media and lambasted as a crazy conspiracy kook if you said it was leaked from the Wuhan lab. Then, the narrative suddenly changed when the bat theory completely fell apart, thanks to Dr. Redfield and other physicians and scientists.
Drs. Vaughn and Tankersley briefly discuss the possibility that the Wuhan lab was working on aerosolized vaccines for the “public good” as Dr. Redfield believes. Drs. Vaughn and Tankersly disagree with the “public good” angle (as do I), and Dr. Tankersley talks about Paul Alexander’s theory that the virus was created as a bioweapon, as a justification for the ultimate bioweapon—the “vaccines.” Dr. Tankersly doesn’t feel that Redfield is putting the pieces together because “the Pfizer papers (show) they were ready to go with these shots, this technology, right out of the gate…maybe we're being too conspiratorial (considering how closely together the virus and jab appeared), but I don’t think so. It’s just played out too well upon their plans. They planned this. I mean, they planned the response, was going to be in the October 18th meeting of 2019. They knew the goal was to get to the vaccine.”
Among other things, there are patents that David Martin has explained pointing to that end, as well as the association between China and our own biomedical/industrial community. As Dr. Vaughn points out, this research was being done in China because it had been outlawed here, using our bats, and mice, and components of the virus—things that “only the U.S. and our sophistication could provide.”
If I have any quibble with this portion of the podcast, it’s that Jordan and Stewart aren’t conspiratorial enough! More on that later…
At the end of the podcast Dr. Tankersly discusses a recent paper in the New England Journal of Medicine which indirectly supports the theory that the mRNA COVID shots can cause cancers. The paper doesn’t address COVID directly, but does discuss another genetic treatment using the SV40 oncogene promoter (which has been found in every vial of mRNA jab tested globally) which has been associated with “turning on” cancer genes. Is this “proof” that the mRNA jabs cause cancer? No, but it’s one more brick in that particular wall.
Most of the podcast is about Dr. Naomi Wolf’s latest book, "The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer’s Crimes Against Humanity.” Specifically, it’s about an interview Dr. Wolf recently did with Del Bigtree of The HighWire.
The HighWire is associated with ICAN, the Informed Consent Action Network. It was ICAN and attorney Aaron Siri who obtained the Pfizer documents from the FDA. This was the suit where the FDA wanted to delay the release of Pfizer’s approval documentation on their jab for 75 years, but the judge said “No.” Dr. Wolf was then given access to these documents—all 450,000 pages of them—and with her coauthor Amy Kelly put together a remarkable team of over 3,250 experts who performed a crowdsourced analysis of these documents.
The crowdsourced analysis of the Pfizer documents, some of which are hundreds of pages long, is itself a tremendous achievement. Physicians from multiple specialties, scientists from numerous disciplines, lawyers who are experts in medical issues and medical fraud and others were all needed to analyze the papers and transform them into reports which most people can understand. For that alone, Dr. Wolf and Ms. Kelly deserve our thanks. Likewise, Stephen K. Bannon of The War Room podcast, who initially suggested the crowdsourcing model (and wrote the forward to ‘The Pfizer Papers’ deserves our thanks.
What’s in those documents is something we all need to know, because it’s horrific. As Dr. Wolf says “I wanted to believe for the longest time that it wasn't a depopulation agenda, but ultimately the evidence persuaded me, within the Pfizer documents, that that's exactly what it is. It’s the greatest crime against humanity in recorded history.”
Dr. Wolf, who until recently was a “fixture in the legacy media on the Left,” a “well-known third-wave feminist” who wrote about women’s issues until June of 2021, when she tweeted that women were reporting menstrual irregularities after receiving the mRNA jabs. Then, as she told Tucker Carlson, “It was overnight, it was all at once, it was very extraordinary, (I was) de-platformed from Twitter, from Facebook, from YouTube, but also all the newspapers and news outlets ran pieces smearing me and saying I was spreading misinformation information and I was an anti-vaxxer.”
“The Pfizer Papers” is the result of over two years of work by Wolf, Kelly and their team. It’s a follow up to 2023’s “Pfizer Documents Analysis Reports,” which was a co-production of War Room and Wolf’s Daily Clout. Both books are put together as a series of reports that begin with a summary, then provide the original source material(s) and a brief explanation of each source in plain English. Taken together, they are a damning indictment of Pfizer, the FDA, the CDC, the Pharma/government complex, and all the usual suspects we’ve come to know and loathe these last four years.
In Wolf’s interview with Bigtree, she focuses on the effects on the mRNA jabs on fertility, including the drop in live births—up to 20% in some countries—the rise in maternal and fetal mortality, and the convenient loss and/or covering up of critical safety data gathered by Pfizer and sent on to the FDA.
Taken as a whole, Dr. Wolf’s assertion that this is the greatest crime against humanity in recorded history” is a hypothesis which fits what we’ve seen in our communities, and now has been documented in papers Pfizer and the FDA didn’t want us to see for 75 years.
We started to see problems with the mRNA jabs within weeks of them being rolled out, but for the Twitter files and other sources we know there was an active cooperation (some would call it collusion) between the government, media and social media to label everyone who talked about these problems “conspiracy theorists.” Dr. Wolf found this out first hand.
Yes, they knew, and did little or nothing. Yes, they’re still pushing the COVID jabs, even knowing what we do now. Ask yourself why that is, and if Naomi Wolf could be on to something with that “greatest crime against humanity” stuff?
The tide has turned. The truth is coming out. More and more people are realizing what has been done to us as a nation (and across the globe), and that the consequences of that will be felt for decades to come.
If you read my column last week, where I responded to ADPH’s recommendations that you “Ask Your Doctor” about the COVID jabs, you’ll know my position on them is “not just no, but HELL NO!” But, if you’re still thinking about taking the never-to-be-sufficiently-damned things, I urge you to listen to Drs. Vaughn and Tankersley’s podcast. Watch Naomi Wolf’s interview with Del Bigtree. Read “The Pfizer Papers” and think about the risks and benefits of getting the jab.
Now, go do your homework:
The Pfizer Papers show proof of planned disaster—Dr. Jordan Vaughn and Dr. Stewart Tankersley: https://www.americaoutloud.news/the-pfizer-papers-show-proof-of-planned-disaster/
Dr. Naomi Wolf reveals shocking details in “The Pfizer Papers”—The HighWire with Del Bigtree: https://rumble.com/v5iclf9-dr.-naomi-wolf-reveals-shocking-details-in-the-pfizer-papers.html
Dr. Bill responds to ADPH vaccination advice: https://www.alabamagazette.com/story/2024/10/01/opinion/span-classbrnwsbreaking-news-spandr-bill-responds-to-adph-vaccination-advice/4427.html
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