The people's voice of reason

Dean Odle running for Lt. Governor

January 13, 2025 – MONTGOMERY, AL – Pastor and school master Dean Odle announced that he is running for the Republican nomination for Lieutenant Governor.

Odle previously ran for Governor in 2022 – finishing behind Kay Ivey, Lindy Blanchard, Tim James, and Lew Burdette in what was a crowded Republican primary field.

"When I ran for Governor of Alabama from 2020-2022, I was right about every topic I addressed," said Odle. "I brought the receipts. Yet I was labeled a "conspiracy theorist" by the press and even many in my own party. I was censored by social media, the press, and my fellow Republicans. I could NOT even advertise on Facebook like all my opponents. Nevertheless, the things I wrote about and spoke about during my campaign have proven to be true. Things like the amazing uses of Ivermectin (even being found now to cure some cancers) to the MRNA Covid vaccines being extremely dangerous. I was censored (or ghosted) by news outlets in Alabama like AL .com and The Alabama Political Reporter. Even news agencies like 1819 News that did have me on their podcasts and allowed articles to be written about my campaign had to be careful or their platform would be censored. That censorship had a tremendously negative impact on my campaign for Governor of Alabama."

This time Odle is running for Lieutenant Governor. He admitted to some hesitancy about getting back into the political waters.

"After much prayer and discussion with my family, I felt the leading of the Lord to step back into the political fight," explained Odle. "I really did not want to do it again, but someone has to confront the lies, greed and corruption that is so prevalent in Alabama politics."

Odle was recently awarded a Black Robe Cherokee Tomahawk by former Congressman Lt. Col. Allen West (R-Florida) and the former Chair of the Texas GOP. That motivated Dean to resume his quest for public office.

"I knew for sure that I had to get back in the fight for Alabama and our country," said Odle. "The war against our country will only intensify over the next few years. This is no time to fall into a sense of false security because President Trump won another term."

Odle warned that "The Luciferian globalists around the world, and those traitors in our own government (both Democrat and Republican), along with their foot soldiers aka the Chinese Communist Party have been conspiring for decades to overthrow the United States."

Odle warned that China has a "chokehold on our military because we depend on so many components that they manufacture for OUR military."

Odle promised to make election security one of the top issues of his administration.

"I will push for legislation for true election integrity that gets rid of our very hackable voting machines,' Odle promised. "We must implement a new system of highly secure paper ballots and hand counting. France does this and they hand-count over 31 million paper ballots and they are done just hours after the polls are closed. Germany also hand-counts around 46 million paper ballots and report results the same night. Canada hand-counts 12 million paper ballots on election night. Alabama only has approximately 3.7 million registered voters and only about half of them vote. We can do this in Alabama and be an example to the rest of the country."

Odle was an outspoken critic of the COVID-19 vaccine in 2022 and his position has not changed.

"The new book The Pfizer Paper by Naomi Wolf (and 3,250 research volunteers with expertise in various fields) shows in high relief that Pfizer's mRNA COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial was deeply flawed and that the pharmaceutical company knew by November 2020 that its vaccine was neither safe nor effective," Odle stated. "The reports detail vaccine-induced harms throughout the human body, including to the reproductive system; show that women suffer vaccine-related adverse events at a 3:1 ratio; expose that vaccine-induced myocarditis is not rare, mild, or transient; and, shockingly, demonstrate that the mRNA vaccines have created a new category of multi-system, multi-organ disease, which is being called "CoVax Disease.""

"The fact that the Alabama Department of Public Health is STILL spending millions of our tax dollars to push these failed and dangerous vaccines is appalling," Odle said. "There is no excuse for this because the 450,000 documents of the Pfizer clinical trials were released under court order and on related medical literature. These are the documents that the FDA wanted a judge to bury for 75 years, but thankfully he refused and ordered Pfizer to release them. "

Odle also warned against the adoption of an all-digital currency.

"I have also warned our politicians in this state about the global agenda to move the entire world to a digital currency and thus eliminating cash completely," Odle said. "This would be the end of freedom. Alabama has to prepare for this by making gold and silver legal tender and producing our own Goldback like New Hampshire, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming and soon to be Florida Goldback. We can never allow Alabama to succumb to this evil WEF/UN agenda. "

"It's time for leaders who know the truth and who are willing to speak the truth," Odle concluded. "We must have leaders who prepare our state government to protect the people's God-given freedoms and their lives. That's why I am running for Lt. Governor of Alabama."

Odle is the pastor of a Church in Lee County. He also runs a church affiliated Christian school and his sermons and lesson plans are marketed across Alabama and beyond. He is a former missionary to Africa who has started dozens of churches before settling down in Lee County.

Odle is the first candidate for Lt. Gov. to declare, though other Republican candidates are reportedly waiting in the wings to announce so this is likely to be a contested race.

Odle's entry into the race combined with Kent Davis's reported campaigning for Governor, and state Senator Jack Williams' ongoing campaign for Commissioner for Agriculture and Industries.

Incumbents Lt. Gov. Will Ainsworth (R) is term limited from running again. Ainsworth is reportedly considering a run for Goveror, where incumbent Gov. Kay Ivey (R) is also term limited from running again.

Republican campaign season is well underway ahead of the May 26, 2026 Republican primary

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