The people's voice of reason

If The Church Were Christian

I heard a pastor lately who quoted an article by Quaker minister Philip Gulley, entitled, “If The Church Were Christian.” This is a striking title, and it caused me to think of my own response in addition to the original author’s thoughts.

If the church were Christian, the church would be welcoming.

James was very clear in the New Testament: “My brothers and sisters, do not show favoritism as you hold on to the faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ” (James 2:1).

In James’ day it was the rich and well-dressed favored over the poor and shabby. A generation ago, in some places it was whites favored over Blacks. I trust we’ve grown better from these days, although not showing favoritism can be a constant struggle. Congregations labor to be unselfish, inclusive and not to foster the “bless us four and no more” kind of attitude.

Everyone is a person of value.

If the church were Christian, the church would be humble.

The lord of the church said, “Whoever wants to become greatest among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must be your slave,” (Matthew 20: 26-27).

The church is called to be a blessing to its community, and we do so with various ministries. And this is a struggle, indeed. Congregations have needs for personnel and buildings, and wrestle with how to proportion the gifts of God’s people between “inhouse” ministries and “outside” ministries. Many of us find that we could spend most of our money on local benevolences since the need is so great. We always ask for God’s direction in these tough choices.

If the church were Christian, the church would be faithful.

Again, Jesus said, “If anyone wants to follow after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me,” (Matthew 16: 24).

Many evangelicals believe in “perseverance of the saints”—the idea that God will remain faithful to grant eternal life when we commit to him. But scripture also calls us to be faithful, too. We’re called to be faithful not only to God but also to be faithful to one another.

In the recent election we often talked about there being no perfect candidates on the ballot, and in the same way there’s no perfect church. Members must be willing to love and forgive one another as we work together and inevitably have some disagreements. It was said of the early church, “Behold how they love one another!” The modern church can do no less.

“If the church were Christian” is an intriguing thought, but it’s more than a thought. It’s our command from Christ and the ultimate goal for which we strive. -30-

“Reflections” is a weekly faith column written by Michael J. Brooks, pastor of the Siluria Baptist Church, Alabaster, Alabama. The church’s website is


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