Rotary International is a century old service organization located in 220 countries around the world. With over 35,000 clubs and 1.2 million members, Rotary's reach is far and deep. Rotary is dedicated to six areas of focus in order to build local and international relationships, improve lives and create a world to support our peace efforts and end polio forever. These impactful areas include promoting peace, providing clean water, fighting disease, aiding mothers and children, growing local economies and supporting education.
In the River Region we are blessed with eight Rotary clubs that engage in local and global opportunities to take action to make lasting change around the world, in our communities and in the hearts they touch, including their own.
See a brief overview of four our local clubs and some of the wonderful things they do in Section D.
Rotary Installation
of 2018-2019
District Governor
District 6880
The Installation Dinner for new officers was held on
Friday, June 29, 2018, Capital City Club, Montgomery.
District 6680 Officers
District Governor,
Sam Adams,
District Governor Elect,
Jamess "Skip" Dothrow
District Governor Nominee
Jerry Blacklaw
The Opening Bell was rung by Graham L. Champion, Invocation by Stacia Robinson, Pledge of Allegiance led by Eric Mackey, Four Way Test lead by Rick Pate, and greeting of guests by Glenn Halbrooks. Installation of 2018 District Governor Sam Adams by Bill Tarant. Benediction by Clare Weil and was adjourned by Graham L. Champion.
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