The people's voice of reason


We Looked Into The Face Of Polio Today

It was not a face of dread or defeat. It was a face of faith, of hope, of beauty and of unqualified triumph. It was the face of Dr. Susan Barfoot. Dr Barfoot of Montgomery shared her life's story and left all of us spellbound by her amazing strength, grace and accomplishments. In vivid detail she remembered the day she caught a cold, the day her legs stopped moving, the night when she heard the doctor tell her mom her young daughter might not make it to the morning because of her high temperature.

She spoke so eloquently of the day she opted not to go into the only iron lung at Montgomery's St Jude hospital. By refraining, she saved a young boy's life when he needed it to survive.

She described how her father carried her up three flights of stairs every day at our famous Sidney Lanier High School. No ADA back then.

She excelled academically. She received her BA, MA and doctorate all in Social Work all at the University of Alabama. She embarked on a 50 year career in social work all across the state. Prior to retirement in 2010, she was licensed at every level of private practice for a social worker and was a member of the Academy of Certified Social Workers. Dr. Barfoot was inducted into the Alabama Social Work Hall of Fame in 2011.

The award read in part, " Dr. Barfoot has dedicated her life to serving individuals, groups, families and communities/organizations within Alabama. She was a pioneer in the promotion and development of social work practice in rural and medical settings and was active in the passage of the Alabama Social Work licensure law. She spent years serving veterans of Alabama, ensuring that they and their families received the care and service they needed."

While some names below may be more familiar, none of them can stand taller than Dr. Barfoot.

Other notable Sidney Lanier Attendees and Graduates:

Bart Star Football Alabama and Green Bay Packers

Tommy Neville, Reggie Barlow, Johnny Davis NFL stars

Toni Tennille Singer Captain and Tennille

Zelda Fitzgerald Wife F Scott Fitzgerald

Hank Williams Singer/Songwriter

George C. Wallace Politician Governor, Alabama

Claude Kirk, Politician, Governor Florida

General Carl Mundy Soldier Commandant US Marine Corps

Morris Dees, CEO Southern Poverty Law Center

Rotary Institute Arrives In Montgomery

The Rotary Institute Zone 30-31 met in Montgomery, Alabama last month to educate and celebrate, Fourteen state leaders representing over 60,000 Rotarians from Texas to Ohio, including Alabama, enjoyed inspiring speakers, a low country boil and tours of downtown Montgomery. History came alive to over 500 Rotarian families who may have never had the opportunity to visit this part of the country.

Institute Rotarians conducted a service project to help middle school students locally. Country music star Wynonna and the Big Noise rocked Rotary to raise over $300,000 to help eradicate polio globally. Rotary: Join us to make a difference, join us to be the inspiration! Goto for more information.


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