The people's voice of reason

Marxist Hatred of the South

“I wouldn’t know, I’ve only ever killed communists.” Polish soldier Rafal Gan-Ganowicz’s likely facetious response when asked what it was like to kill a human being.

In a 2015 YouTube video, BLM (Black Lives Matter) co-founder Patrisse Cullors described herself and fellow organizers as “trained Marxists.” Radical leftists (e.g., Antifa) seem determined to destroy America and Marxists appear to have a long-standing hatred for Southern Christians.

Marxists, whose religion is Communism, supported Lincoln and the Union. After the Forty-Eighters (European Communists/Socialists) lost power, most who came to America joined the Republican Party. “Union Colonel Fritz Anneke had a personal relationship with Marx and was ‘a member of the Deutsher Kommunism, Marx/Engels circle.’” Texas resident, Adolph Douai, and Alabama resident, Hermann Meyer, were associated with Marx. Both were driven out of their respective States. Pro-Lincoln Marxist Joseph Weydemeyer had previous military experience and, while serving in the Union Army, “was assigned by Lincoln as commander of the highly strategic area of St. Louis. August Willich, who became a brigadier general, Robert Rosa, a major, and Fritz Jacobi, a lieutenant who was killed at Fredericksburg, were all members of the New York Communist Club.”

Referencing Red Republicans and Lincoln’s Marxists: Marxism in the Civil War, by Walter D. Kennedy and Al Benson, some of the Socialists/Communists who supported the Union included:

Assistant Secretary of War Charles A. Dana: friend of Marx, knew Frederic Engels, published Communist Journals with Weydemeyer.

Brigadier General Louis Blenker, Union Army: encouraged German immigrants to join Lincoln’s army and the Republican Party.

Major General August Willich: “The Reddest of the Red ‘48ers”; member of the London Communist League with Marx and Engels. Marx called him “A communist with a heart…”

Colonel Richard Hinton: a Charterist Socialist; fled England. Associate of the terrorist, John Brown; post-war correspondent for a Boston newspaper.

Allan Pinkerton: head of the Republican Ohio Department “spy service” under General George B. McClellan. The most famous Charterist. Pursued by British agents; fled to the U.S.; settled in Illinois; became an operator of the Underground Railroad conveying escaped slaves to Canada.

Brigadier General Carl Schurz: helped Socialist Gottfried Kinkel escape from Spandau. Came to America in 1848…active in Republican Party development; high position in the Union army.

Brigadier General Alexander Von Schimmelfenning: came to America from Germany after the 1848 uprising. Known Socialist history; Republican J. Siebnick recommended him for Colonel of Pittsburgh

German volunteers. Recruited two former Prussian Army officers to help recruit Revolutionary Socialists.

Major General Franz Siegel: Involved in 1848 German revolts as a commander of Socialist troops; served in the German army and Socialist efforts to overthrow the German government.

Commander Friedrich Karl Franz Hecker: known as “Red” and “Flagrant Friedrich”; law doctorate from Munich. Expelled from Prussia; came to U.S.; helped create the Republican Party. Promoted German newspapers, Socialist propaganda, and Lincoln’s election.

Captain Gustav von Struve: born in Germany to a woman of nobility and her Russian diplomat mate. With Hecker, led the 1848 German uprising. Failed with second uprising, arrested, found guilty of high treason, awarded solitary confinement for five years; freed by fellow revolutionaries.

General John C. Fremont: associated with the Communists Lincoln placed in positions of command in his army. The first Republican presidential candidate.

The four Saloman brothers: Brevet Major General Frederick Charles Saloman of the Ninth Wisconsin; Brigadier General Charles E. Saloman of the Missouri Volunteers; Wisconsin Lt. Governor/Governor Edward Saloman; and Sergeant Herman Saloman.

Colonel Fritz Anneke/Annecke: Communist League member; Baden Revolt veteran. He and wife, Mathilde, were European Communists. Skilled Prussian artillery officer; ideology caused him to lose his commission and be jailed. He and his wife separated. Mathilde started a school for girls, preaching socialism; joined Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony in their feminist cause. Converted to Communism by her husband.

General William Tecumseh Sherman: On list of “approved” Socialist’ Communists published by the press of the Communist Party of the United States. Engels identified Sherman as one of theirs. Both Sherman and Sen. John Sherman, his brother, believed in a strong indivisible central government.

Marx wrote for Horace Greeley’s New York Daily Tribune (1851-1862) as he pushed for “democracy” (mob rule). Vladimir Lenin admired Lincoln; numerous Lincoln-Lenin Parades were held in New York City in the 1930s.

As Jefferson Davis observed, “The contest is not over, the strife is not ended. It has only entered upon a new and enlarged arena.” Let us pray we do not literally have to walk in our ancestor’s footsteps.

[Sources: Red Republicans and Lincoln’s Marxists: Marxism in the Civil War, Kennedy and Benson; Union At All Costs: From Confederation to Consolidation, Taylor; and Southern Heritage (H.K. Edgerton)]


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