The people's voice of reason

Alabama Republican Party thanks Senator Reed, Governor Ivey for passing the curriculum transparency Law

On Thursday Alabama Republican Party Chairman John Wahl thanked the Alabama Republican Party for the passage of the Curriculum Transparency (SB48) into law:

Senate Bill 48 (SB48) was sponsored by Senate President Pro Tempore Greg Reed (R-Jasper).

"The Alabama Republican Party firmly believe that parents should be in the driver's seat when it comes to the education of our children," said Chairman Wahl. "Senator Greg Reed's curriculum transparency bill is a significant step towards achieving this goal, as it grants families unrestricted access to the curriculum and instructional materials used in our schools. We believe that transparency is essential for accountability, trust, and collaboration among everyone involved in our education system. Parents should have full access to curriculum, and we are proud that this fundamental concept was signed into law by the Governor today."

"On behalf of the Alabama Republican Party, I extend our heartfelt gratitude to Senator Reed for championing this important concept, to the legislature for their strong support, and to Governor Ivey for signing it into law," Wahl added. "Safeguarding parental rights is not just a principle; it is a cornerstone of our society, and the Republican Party is committed to continuing our stand to uphold and defend parental rights at every level."

SB48 was one of three priority bills for the Alabama Republican Party.

SB48 champions parental rights through greater transparency in school curricula. This legislation ensures that parents have unrestricted access to their children's course of study and related materials, allowing them to be in the driver's seat of their child's education.

Schools will be required to post their curriculums online before the school year and following any change in the curriculum. Parents with an issue with the curriculum can get more information about their issue electronically through email.


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