On June 8 radio personalities Amie Beth Shaver and Allison Sinclair spoke to the Mid-Alabama Republican Club. The conservative talk radio hosts expressed their dissatisfaction with the Republican controlled Alabama State Legislature. They urged legislators to have a "Biblical world view."
Sinclair is the founder of LOCAL – a grassroots conservative group, with an early emphasis on medical freedom.
"COVID hit and the world got crazy," Sinclair said. "Loved ones were dying alone in hospitals, physicians were being threatened, by the time the 2020 election hit I was done. I realized that America was not going to remain America and Alabama was not going to remain Alabama unless we got involved. That is when I started LOCAL."
For Sinclair, a devout Christian, the decision to become engaged in the political process, was not a decision reached lightly.
"A pastor I studied under for 15 years said that Christians should really not be involved in politics," Sinclair said. "What? The government just shut down your Church and you are telling me that Christians should not be involved?"
Shaver is a former Miss Alabama and a mother of four.
"My husband is a physician," said Shaver. we lived with the threat of the loss of the license."
Shaver first became politically engaged through her husband's involvement with Concerned Doctors of Alabama – a group of medical doctors who believed that the masks requirements during the COVID pandemic were ineffective (that has now been confirmed by former NAID head Dr. Anthony Fauci), the medical establishment was suppressing potential COVID treatments, and which were skeptical of the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines.
"We lived with the threat of losing our (medical) license," Shaver said. "Dr. Shaver: why are you not wearing your mask? Because they do not work."
Shaver said that there also were spiritual reasons for her decision to become politically engaged.
"The dominion mandate in the book of Genesis," cited Shaver. "Politics is the Greek word for look after your city."
"We also have a Biblical foundation," for the establishment of this country Shaver continued.
"After legislative session what happened?" said Shaver. "Some things went well and some things did not go so well."
"Gambling dominated the session," Shaver said.
"We are conflicted and confused about who we are," Sinclair said of Republican legislators. "We need to get back to a Biblical world view."
"I am totally opposed to the mental health counselors," said Sinclair.
Sinclair also question why the Republican controlled Legislature passed medical marijuana, record spending on education, the research and development districts bill, "We almost passed college education for illegal aliens."
Sinclair said that anything that you are doing for illegal immigrants will only encourage more illegal immigrants.
"Gambling and Medicaid expansion are not conservative," Sinclair said. "The library obscenity bill, that my good friend Arnold Mooney introduced died in the Senate."
"We are the last state in the union not to have some form of election audit," said Sinclair. "A Republican Senator carried over and killed that bill."
Sinclair also said that the Senate also failed to pass the porn filter bill, the no gender identity instruction in grades 6 thru 8 bill
"Legislators don't listen to (Montgomery Mayor) Steven Reed it is not your fault that Birmingham and Montgomery have a crime problem," said Sinclair.
"Our culture is crumbling because we are tolerant of these things, (LGBTQ+ ideology)," said Sinclair. "We need to get back to a Biblical world view."
Shaver said, "We are at the clash of world views."
Shaver warned of, "Subversives working to undermine and destroy America."
Shaver said that our culture has been undermined all the way back to the 1700s during the French Revolution, the 1800s with Charles Darwin, eugenics, from eugenics we speed ahead to Margaret Sanger who started the birth control league, the 1950s Kinzinger report, population control and climate change, the 1960s sexual revolution.
"John Money (sexologist 1921 to 2008) he is the father of what we are living with now, along with Judith Butler," Shaver said.
'Money believed that transgender people had an idée fixe, and established the Johns Hopkins Gender Identity Clinic in 1965. He screened adult patients for two years prior to granting them a medical transition, and believed sex roles should be de-stereotyped, so that masculine women would be less likely to desire transition. Money is generally viewed as a negative figure by the transgender community. Money's writing has been translated into many languages and includes around 2,000 articles, books, chapters and reviews. He received around 65 honors, awards and degrees in his lifetime (Wikipedia). Money formed the first surgical gender transitions in the 1960s.
Shaver is a critic of most of the new experimental education initiatives that schools have adopted over the last 20 years.
"We are free to try all of the crazy stuff like classrooms without walls, the new math, the new math, and common core," Shaver said.
"We can get out of this," Shaver said. "Japanese businessmen plan out their business plans one to 200 years."
Shaver said that the Left has been planning this cultural transition into moral and civil chaos for decades.
Shaver said that with planning and a meeting of the minds we can reverse the cultural decay in America.
"This is all out war," Sinclair said. "Someone's world view is going to win."
Sinclair dismissed the modern left as a "Satanic death cult."
"If God has put you in a position of leadership you will answer to God for what you do with that leadership," Sinclair said.
Sinclair urged legislators to have a Biblical world view.
"First and foremost, you should represent God," Sinclair said.
Sinclair said that if she were a Republican Legislator that there would be two hard and fast rules.
"If it goes against the Republican platform, I would be against it. If it goes against God, I would be against it," Sinclair said.
Sinclair and Shaver, along with cohost former State Senator Scott Beason (R-Gardendale) are on the radio weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to noon central time on News Talk 93.1 WACV in Montgomery, FM 92.5 WYDE in Birmingham, or on their Alabama Unfiltered Radio Podcast.
The Mid-Alabama Republican Club (MARC) meets monthly on the second Saturday at 9:00 a.m.
To connect with the author of this story, or to comment, email brandonmreporter@gmail.com
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