With just two weeks remaining until the general election, the Alabama Republican Party today unveiled its Contract with Alabama. This contract serves as a clear roadmap, highlighting the Alabama GOP's commitment to strengthening our communities, supporting families, and advancing policies that put people first.
The Republican Party remains committed to improving the quality of life for every Alabamian, especially families and individuals who need support the most.
The contract highlights a range of priorities, including:
Rebuilding the Economy
Securing the Border
Supporting Parental Rights & Families
Defending Constitutional Freedoms
Protecting Children from Woke Policies
"These priorities represent the core of who we are as Republicans and what we stand for," said John Wahl, Chairman of the Alabama Republican Party. "We are focused on the issues that matter most to Alabama families-rebuilding our economy, protecting our communities, and safeguarding the freedoms that made this country great. We believe in trusting Alabamians to make the decisions that are best for their families, not having bureaucrats or politicians in Washington tell them what to do. Our contract with Alabama is a pledge to always put the people first, to stand up for their rights and freedoms, and to build a future where every Alabamian can thrive."
The GOP's Contract with Alabama builds on the Party's proven track record of helping Alabama families by cutting the grocery tax, passing universal school choice, and banning vaccine passports in recent years. As the election draws near, the Alabama Republican Party wants to earn voters trust and support as we stand for defending their rights and improving their quality of life.
The Alabama Republican Party’s Contract with the People of Alabama
America was founded on the ideals of limited government, individual liberty, and that all men are created equal The Alabama Republican Party remains committed to defending and protecting those ideals. Our mission is to safeguard the rights and freedoms of every single American, and support policies that will help the people and families of Alabama be successful in the coming years.
We believe that Government’s first priority should be serving and helping the people in the enjoyment of their freedoms, and not mandating their every move.
We believe that Government should act in a fiscally responsible manner that will prevent inflation and stop adding debt for future generations.
We believe that Government should respect the individual human rights of every person, and treat everyone equally and fairly under the law – no matter what race, religion, or political party they may belong to.
With these objectives, and fundamental values in mind, the Alabama Republican Party pledges to the people of Alabama that during this election cycle and in the years to come, we will stand for the following policies.
Rebuilding Our Economy and Stopping Inflation
We pledge to support policies that foster job creation, promote small businesses, and strengthen our economy. We support fiscal responsibility and sound monetary policy that will help stop inflation, and reign in the cost of living for the people and families of Alabama. This can be accomplished by cutting wasteful government spending, reducing over-regulation, and passing a balanced budget Amendment.
Securing Our Borders and Addressing the Impact
We believe in strong border security measures that would help protect our communities from increased crime, drug overdoses, and human trafficking. We will work to reverse the harmful impacts of the Democrat’s open border policies that have destroyed job opportunities, affordable housing, and social services for our citizens.
Our goal is to make Alabama’s communities safer, reduce the drug epidemic, and ensure that housing remains affordable for hardworking families.
Saving Social Security for Seniors
We oppose the reckless spending policies pushed by Democrats, which threaten the long-term viability of the Social Security system. Our commitment is to restore fiscal responsibility and make sure Social Security remains strong for current and future generations by resisting policies that would lead to its insolvency. We will fight to preserve this vital program for Alabama’s seniors, ensuring they receive the benefits they’ve earned and depend on. Defending Individual Freedoms We are committed to protecting the constitutional rights of all citizens, including freedom of speech, religion,
and the ability to make the decisions best for our families. We will oppose any governmental overreach that
threatens these fundamental liberties.
Keeping Our Communities Safe
We support the rule of law, and keeping our families and communities safe by standing with our first
responders and law enforcement officers. As members of the Democrat Party across America try to de-fund
the police, we stand with our men and women in blue.
Promoting Energy Independence
We support an America first energy platform that will allow increased drilling, maximizing of natural resources,
and ending our dependence on foreign oil. We will lower energy costs for struggling families and ensure a
reliable, sustainable energy future for every Alabamian.
Healthcare Reform
We will advocate for healthcare solutions that prioritize the patient, lower costs, and increase access to quality care. We believe that a free-market approach, not a government-controlled system, will best serve the people of Alabama.
Strengthening Alabama’s Education System
Our children deserve the best education possible. We will advocate for reforms that prioritize parental involvement, empower teachers, and increase local control over education decisions. We especially support universal School Choice, and Alabama’s minority communities having access to alternatives. No child’s quality of education should be defined by the zip code they live in.
Protecting Children from Woke Policies and Sexualization
We are committed to safeguarding the innocence and well-being of our children. We firmly oppose the introduction of radical transgender or sexually explicit ideologies into Alabama’s schools and institutions. We believe parents—not the government—should have the final say in what their children are exposed to at a vulnerable age. We will fight to keep education focused on academics and not political or ideological indoctrination.
Defending Women’s Safety and Privacy
We believe that biological males should not compete in women’s sports, as it undermines fairness and equal opportunities for female athletes. We also believe that men should not be allowed access to women’s bathrooms, locker rooms, or changing facilities, as this compromises the privacy and safety of women and girls. We will be a strong advocate for policies that protect these spaces, preserving the dignity and rights of women across our state.
Religious Liberty
As the Democrat Party targets the moral foundations of our country, we support every citizen's right to religious liberty and the ability to freely exercise their faith without fear or discrimination.
Fostering Rural Development
Our rural communities are the backbone of our state. We will work to improve infrastructure, expand broadband access, and ensure that our agricultural industry remains strong, making sure rural Alabama has the tools it needs to flourish.
Protecting Alabama’s Values
Alabama’s values of faith, family, and freedom are at the core of our identity. We pledge to uphold and protect these values in all aspects of public policy, ensuring that Alabama remains a state where these principles thrive.
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