The people's voice of reason

Rep. Sewell Honors the Retirement of SCLC President and CEO Dr. Charles Steele, Jr.

January 22, 2025 - Washington D.C. – U.S. Rep. Terri Sewell (AL-07) spoke on the House Floor to honor the retirement of Dr. Charles Steele, Jr. after 17 years as President and CEO of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC).

Rep. Sewell: Madam Speaker, I rise today to honor the extraordinary career and achievements of Dr. Charles Steele, Jr., as he celebrates his retirement after 17 years as the President and CEO of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.

A true trailblazer, Dr. Steele has an accomplished career in both public service and civil rights advocacy. A native of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, he was elected to the Tuscaloosa City Council in 1985, a position he held for two years before being elected to the Alabama State Senate in 1994.

After serving three terms, Dr. Steele stepped down in 2004 to take over as the head of the SCLC. As the organization's President and CEO, Dr. Steele raised over $10 million and oversaw the groundbreaking of SCLC's new international headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia.

Dr. Steele's reputation has always been one of great purpose and great passion. He is an honorable man, guided by an abiding faith in God and a love of country.

While his retirement will allow him some well-earned rest and time with loved ones, I know that his commitment to service will continue for years to come.

On behalf of a grateful nation, I ask my colleagues to join me in celebrating the retirement of Dr. Charles Steele, Jr. after 17 years as President and CEO of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.

Thank you, and I yield back the balance of my time.


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