The people's voice of reason

I Could Have Done More!!!

For the second Saturday in a row, my wife and I went to see ‘Sound of Freedom.” As the credits were playing, Jim Caviezel was doing the wrap charging all who saw the movie to tell the story and take action. I was reduced to tears both times seeing the movie. My mind immediately was drawn to Oskar Schindler. At the end of WWII, he was leaving the factory surrounded by Jews he had saved. They presented him with a thank you letter signed by all factory workers, gave him a handmade pure gold ring, he was broken by this love and reduced to tears. This setting gave name to the theme song, “I Could Have Done More.” I left the parking lot in tears thinking,” I am not doing enough.”

Oskar Schindler was a German Industrialist, humanitarian, and a member of the Nazi Party, who is credited with saving the lives of 1,200 Jews during the Holocaust by employing them in his enamelware and ammunitions factories in occupied Poland and the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. During this final scene in the movie, shedding tears in this emotional heart-gripping scene, Schindler was taking inventory of his life. He said he wasted so much money in his life that could have been used purchasing Jewish prisoners, rescuing them from the death camps. He looked at his car and said he could have bought ten more. I could have done more.

The darkest of all industries, human trafficking is estimated to be a $150 billion in sales globally. These sales have surpassed illegal arms & drug sales combined. There are an estimated 25 million adults and children worldwide victimized with 80% going into forced labor and 20% into sex trafficking. While boys and men are victims, most individuals identified as trafficked for labor and commercial sex are women and girls. For every 10 victims detected globally, five are adult women and two are girls, according to a report released in 2021. We have learned from Epstein Enterprises, just how deep and broad this industry lures, ensnares high level corporate and government leaders. This story has yet to unfold putting sun light on this despicably protected, globally webbed underground industry.

Like you, as one American who loves their country, I get a bit overwhelmed at the tasks before us to save this great Republic. The trojan horses have been unleashed on the “Seven Hills of Influence.” There are multiple battles engaged in religion, churches, family, academia, media, government, business, and the arts. We have an open border with bonified deplorables illegally pouring into our country, liberal wokeness has spread like kudzu onto every platform, men can now use women’s bathrooms, compete against women in athletics, and they now say men can birth a child and breastfeed, we have elections being stolen and our great country is in a downward spiraling vortex, but I need to be doing more.

This attack on the family cannot be ignored by any of us. Jim Caviezel, playing the part of Tim Ballard, the former CIA and Homeland Security Special Agent said, “Gods Children Are Not for Sale.” We ALL need to engage. Find an existing non-profit to give money or volunteer or both. Find your battle station and don’t move until their white flag has been raised.

Most of my adult life from a volunteer perspective outside of church has been working in the prolife arena and electing economic, moral. social and constitutional conservative Republicans to office. I can always do more. After watching this movie, it affects us all. I have nine granddaughters. I am strongly compelled to do more.

Edmond Burke, the renowned English member of Parliament once stated, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,”

All I could see leaving the moving theater was a somber, sober Schindler standing with 1100 Jews still alive and all I could hear was the strings of the violin crying to the tune,” I Could Have Done More.”

My heart breaks looking into the innocent faces of these children being sold like chattel. There is a room reserved in Hell for these despicable, wicked, vile, heartless beasts who inflict horror and stain on God’s children. The death penalty is ground zero for punishment.

Join me as we find our assigned post in this battle, WE CAN DO MORE!!

I Could Have Done More!!


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