The people's voice of reason

Articles written by Bobbie Ames

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 76

  • The Crisis We Face Today: And the Only Solution

    Bobbie Ames|Dec 1, 2019

    This is a reprint from December 2017 We have heard the 13th Century called The Age of Faith, the 18th Century called the Age of Reason, and the 20th Century called The Atomic Age. Our current age has rightly been called The Age of Irrationalism. Today, it is common of many labeled "intellectuals" to despair of true knowledge. Government schools and colleges have given up moral absolutes as true knowledge. For centuries, people of faith, whether Old Testament believers or New Testament scholars,...


    Bobbie Ames|Nov 1, 2019

    Individual religious liberty in practice... The tragic lessons of History will be repeated if History is removed from a nation's memory, as it has been for several generations. America’s Christian History was replaced by Social Studies in public schools nearly a century ago. How many adults know what sacrifice and triumph brought about our uniquely American Holiday tradition of Thanksgiving? Through brief bits of the story here, let's look at this American legacy, our own American heritage, a...

  • Postmodernism: The Attack on Biblical Christianity

    Bobbie Ames|Oct 1, 2019

    Last month “the Education Page” article highlighted socialism as the downfall of America. But it made it clear that American Constitutionalism is the path for healing of our nation. This month, we wish to dig deeper into our problems, as postmodernism is the greatest threat to Biblical Christianity in our nation. • How many American citizens are knowledgeable about the prevailing secular postmodern philosophy across our nation? • How many pastors have equipped their congregations to oppose it? A...

  • Socialism - The Downfall Of America

    Bobbie Ames|Sep 1, 2019

    Last month we wrote about the Constitution of our nation. Our founders gave us the Rule of Law by which we could enjoy Freedom and Liberty, and they recognized this as the gift of God's Providence. We are all aware that we have problems in our nation today. Our friend, Tim Wildmon, of the American Family Association has said it well, "An all-out spiritual and ideological battle is raging in America, and the outcome has yet to be decided." Wildmon continued, "This summer we saw a Bible banned...

  • America's Providential Heritage In a Godly Inspired Rule of Law "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction." Ronald Reagan

    Bobbie Ames|Aug 1, 2019

    With great excitement and full understanding of God's Providence of his voyage, Columbus proclaimed: “It was the beginning and the end of this enterprise that it should be for the increase and Glory of the Christian religion.” In America's very first covenant, “The Articles of Confederation,” Christian principles were laid out clearly as teachings from the Bible. Our founders and early Christian leaders sought to incorporate our legal and political principles which were in complete harmony...


    Bobbie Ames|Jul 1, 2019

    Last month in the Education Page, we dealt with Alabama in 1817 to 1819, and the Alabama Territory becoming a state in our American Union. At this time, the population in Alabama was increasing and federal law required us to form a constitution. If that was written and approved by Congress, Alabama could operate a state government. President James Monroe appointed William Wyatt Bibb to be governor of the Alabama territory. Governor Bibb moved to Alabama and settled on a plantation north of...

  • Alabama Territory Emerges as a State

    Bobbie Ames|Jun 1, 2019

    Hopefully, every school child in Alabama will know the meaning of 1492 when Columbus discovered the New World. A few years later, in 1497, John Cabot claimed North America for England. By this time, it is important for us to realize that the English people had the Bible in their own language and could read God's Word for themselves. This is a dynamic event in the life of the English people who did embrace God's Word as Absolute and Eternal Truth. This new freedom had a great effect on the...

  • The French Discover Alabama

    Bobbie Ames|May 1, 2019

    In 1699, the French sailed into Pensacola Bay. Upon finding the Spanish well established there, they moved on westward to discover the mouth of the river, "La Mobilla." In charge was a French naval officer, La Moyne Iberville. With him, was his younger brother, Bienville. They explored the area of Mobile Bay, and the island close to the Bay. Shocked at finding more than 50 bodies of men and women who had been slain, he named the area "massacre." Later, the French renamed that area, Dauphin Islan...

  • Discovering Alabama: Costly to ALL!

    Bobbie Ames|Apr 1, 2019

    Last month, we talked about the Native Peoples of Alabama, The Indians. In studying the history of our state, anyone will see the importance of our geography as the dynamic companion of History. Already we see the importance of the names of rivers, creeks, counties, towns, and other geographical terms still living with us today. Alabama is truly a land of contrasts. My native state, North Carolina, is a land of contrasts. The eastern shore has flat lands, rivers, and oceans. The western part of...

  • The Native Peoples of Alabama

    Bobbie Ames|Mar 1, 2019

    The Indians were the first native people of Alabama, as we know. Before Europeans came to Alabama, the native people had been here for many generations. They had built mounds and discovered natural resources in abundance. Careful Alabama History still tells of their lives, filled with sports, music, art, religion, recreation and occupations. Indian ballplay was a favorite sport, reminding us of football. The ball was made of deerskin and the object was to get the ball over the goal line. The...

  • "Sweet Home Alabama" We Celebrate Her 200th Birthday in 2019

    Bobbie Ames|Feb 1, 2019

    Having come to Alabama as a bride at age 20, I was elated to find welcome in the Alabama Blackbelt of Dallas, Perry, and all surrounding counties. Loving history, I became absorbed in the State and her History. Little did I know that I would teach her History for many decades and never tire of it. Mrs. Bobbie Ames Let's look at the emblems that reflect her history and share them with young people who have lost the study of true Alabama History in the new era in which we live. Thanks to the...

  • The Magna Charta

    Bobbie Ames|Jan 1, 2019

    I am honored to be able to present this article by Dr. Paul Jehle on the Magna Charta.­ In my opinion, the Plymouth Rock Foundation is the number one foundation in America for its faithfulness and outreach to our True Christian History. I married John Ames, who is a descendant of John Howland, a passenger on the Mayflower when it landed in 1620. The Pilgrim heritage has been treasured by our family for many generations. The Magna Charta On June 15, 1215, one of the most important events in the...

  • GOD AND COUNTRY: Christian Self Government with Union: The Birth of American Federalism

    Bobbie Ames|Dec 1, 2018

    President Ronald Reagan and both Houses of Congress were united in Proclaiming 1983 as The Year of The Bible. The President and the Joint Resolution of the Congress had the dynamic purpose of embracing the influence of the Bible in the founding of our nation. It was the Biblical teachings which inspired our Founders to establish Christian Self-Government with Union, and a Nation of American Federalism. Its very foundation is based on The Bible and The Constitution. The Foundation for American Ch...


    Bobbie Ames|Nov 1, 2018

    Bobbie Ames writes from The Hoffman Education Center for the Family, where the ministry promotes Christian Education that is foundational to the Historic Biblical Principle Approach. Consulting services are available through the Hoffman Research Library. She can be reached at P. O. Box 241405, Montgomery, AL 36124, or at “THE LORD HATH DONE GREAT THINGS FOR US; WHEREOF WE ARE GLAD.” Psalms 126:3 The tragic lessons of History will be repeated if History is removed from a n...

  • What Can We Do to Restore America's Christian Heritage?

    Bobbie Ames|Oct 1, 2018

    Freedom Nowhere in History is God's Hand more evident than in the establishment of the United States of America. The signing of that great and noble document, the Declaration of Independence, not only gave birth to a new nation, it gave birth to a new hope for all nations, ushering in a new era in the history of government on earth. John Adams, our second president, and one of the signers of the Declaration, was so awestruck by the event in which he had participated, that he wrote his wife...


    Bobbie Ames|Sep 1, 2018

    The name of Patrick Henry comes to mind when we think of the American Revolutionary period. Every American over 50 has heard of his memorable words, "Is life so dear or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?" Recent generations in government schools have been deprived of true history and with that, we have lost much of the Liberty for which Patrick Henry gave his life. There is no doubt that Patrick Henry was the most distinguished orator of the colonial South....

  • Historical Monuments

    Bobbie Ames|Aug 1, 2018

    Friends of the Gazette, It is with great passion and concern that I approach this subject of our historical monuments, knowing the current attempt to destroy them and our History. The sons of Phyllis Schlafly, John and Andy Schlafly, wrote about this organized attempt across the nation to destroy our monuments and the stories that they have carried to generation after generation of American students. There is grave concern over these orchestrated attempts to obliterate our History. With their...

  • Independence Day ~ July 4

    Bobbie Ames|Jul 1, 2018

    An Independent People are Wholly Dependent upon God . . . because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. Romans 8:21 I will walk at liberty, for I seek Your precepts. Psalm 119:45 The Pennsylvania State House was hot, humid, and charged with emotion as representatives for the thirteen colonies came together in June and July of 1776 to consider severing their allegiance to their mother country, now considered an...

  • Tortured for Christ

    Bobbie Ames|Jun 1, 2018

    A few weeks ago, Wycliffe Associates held their annual banquet in Montgomery with the Southeast Director, Noel Davis, updating us on the Voice of the Martyrs' current activities. In the middle 1960's, we received a book from Wycliffe about Richard Wurmbrand's experiences in a Romanian Communist prison over a 14 year period, that included two long periods of seven to eight years each. Wurmbrand had written his story of the imprisonment and revealed the true story of Communism and their...

  • Patrick of Ireland

    Bobbie Ames|Apr 1, 2018

    When Patrick first came to Ireland he had been brutally kidnapped and sold into slavery. He returned to Ireland not as a slave, but as a liberator. This simple event “had the most extraordinary, most far-reaching effect. It changed the face of the nation, and utterly changed the nation’s destiny. The coming of Patrick may be said to have had a [magnificent] effect not on Ireland alone, but upon the world. It was a world event.”1 When He escaped from slavery in Ireland, Patrick made his way b...

  • Patrick of Ireland

    Bobbie Ames|Mar 1, 2018

    Guest Commentary by Dr. Marshall Foster ~ ~ Part 1 of 2 It is a joy to introduce to Gazette readers, Dr. Marshall Foster and the World History Institute that he founded in 1976. The ministry was founded to teach the Biblical and Historical foundations of Liberty. This ministry has become a major force to restore our nation to its Judeo-Christian heritage, reaching millions with America's True, yet "untold history." His teaching seminars have reached tens of thousands of Americans, and his...

  • Architecture of the Constitution by Louis Wilson Ingram

    Bobbie Ames|Feb 1, 2018

    This is from a speech given by Louis Ingram. Last month we examined the paradigm of our Constitution: fear of government power, and some of the reasons for that fear. We saw that government is a zero sum game pitting power against freedom. We also saw how the awesome Washington atmosphere generates a feeling of self-importance, and how power is useless if it goes unused. Finally, we saw that We The People fire only a fraction of our so-called representatives every two years, despite the fact...

  • Indifference Has Undermined The Constitution

    Bobbie Ames|Jan 1, 2018

    In teaching History in our Christian School, it was my joy to be able to teach the Constitution in some depth to seniors. One of the problems that was easily observed was the apparent indifference concerning the Constitution and the Rule of Law in the public square. I discussed this with my learned friend in Washington, D.C., Louis Wilson Ingram, who was not only a brilliant attorney, but also had worked in the highest branches of the federal government his entire career. This was in the years...

  • The Crisis We Face Today: And the Only Solution

    Bobbie Ames|Dec 1, 2017

    We have heard the 13th Century called The Age of Faith, the 18th Century called the Age of Reason, and the 20th Century called The Atomic Age. Our current age has rightly been called The Age of Irrationalism. Today, it is common of many labeled "intellectuals" to despair of true knowledge. Government schools and colleges have given up moral absolutes as true knowledge. For centuries, people of faith, whether Old Testament believers or New Testament scholars, believed that knowledge was...


    Bobbie Ames|Nov 1, 2017

    The tragic lessons of History will be repeated if History is removed from a nation's memory, as it has been for several generations. America's Christian History was replaced by Social Studies in public schools nearly a century ago. How many adults know what sacrifice and triumph brought about our uniquely American Holiday tradition of Thanksgiving? Through brief bits of the story here, let's look at this American legacy, our own American heritage, and embrace it for a true Thanksgiving...

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