The people's voice of reason

Articles from the November 1, 2020 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 23 of 23

  • Cash Giveaway - $1,000

    Nov 1, 2020

    Christmas CASH Giveaway - $1000 Nominations must be received by December 15th. The Alabama Gazette is happy to be presenting $100 cash to 10 deserving people! Each year, we learn about so many amazing, giving souls. Offering this cash gift is our way of recognizing these people during this season of giving! Send in your nomination letter stating why you think your friend or family member deserves $100 cash for Christmas. Please include address and phone numbers of your nominee. Winners will be...

  • Alabama is Truly a Republican State

    Steve Flowers|Nov 1, 2020

    Editor’s Note: Steve Flowers wrote this anticipating the 2020 election results. How did he do? Is Alabama still showing red? Our 2020 Election was November 3rd. The Presidential race was the center of all interest. You know the results, unfortunately, my column for today had to go to press before voting began. As you are absorbing the results, allow me to remind you that we do not elect our president by popular vote but by an Electoral College system whereby the electoral winner of each state ev...

  • Thank you Veterans!

  • What is the Concern with Judge Amy Barrett becoming Supreme Court Justice and the Affordable Care Act?

    Ron Holtsford|Nov 1, 2020

    You will recall a prior Supreme Court challenge where the individual mandate was held to be a tax and as such a Constitutional law. Surprisingly, Chief Justice Roberts who was considered a more conservative thinker sided with the more liberal justices in the assessment as a tax. With the death of Justice Ginsburg, the 5-4 generally more conservative leaning becomes 5-3 and if Judge Barrett is added, presumably will be more of a 6-3 conservative leaning. A case before the United States Supreme...

  • Here We Go Again

    Robert Tate|Nov 1, 2020

    In December 2014, I wrote the Robservation below. [Keep in mind who was President at the time] That’s six years ago. It is amazing that in the span of six years, things in this country have actually gotten worse regarding attitudes of race and adult responsibility. Rioting in the streets has become more prevalent, the pace of killing police officers has increased seemingly exponentially and organizations like BLM and ANTIFA make the Occupy Wallstreet gang look like a kindergarten class taking t...

  • Be Sure to Dispose of Unused Drugs

    Rep. Martha Roby|Nov 1, 2020

    While the news cycle is currently centered around the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, it is important we remember and shed light on other potentially devastating issues that impact our nation. Aside from the pandemic, the United States is in the middle of a serious public health crisis that is hurting communities of all sizes. Hundreds of thousands of lives have been lost due to opioid addiction and abuse in recent years. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, nearly 70,000 people...

  • The University of Alabama Cadets

    John Taylor|Nov 1, 2020

    After Alabama became a State on December 14, 1819, plans were initiated to establish a State University. Tuscaloosa, the State Capitol (1826-1846), was chosen. Architect William Nichols patterned the layout of the University of Alabama (UA) after the University of Virginia, designed by Thomas Jefferson. On April 18, 1831, UA opened its doors, with Reverend Alva Woods serving as President. UA was initially a civilian institution with many students coming from well-to-do families. These sometimes pampered and undisciplined teenaged students,...

  • Paul Noel–Coronavirus Savior

    John Martin|Nov 1, 2020

    After eight months of abusive, criminal, and unconstitutional Coronavirus-related lockdowns, curfews, shutdowns, travel restrictions, social distancing, and mask mandates, the United States is showing very little progress in returning the people back to normal lifestyles. Our governor, Kay Ivey, continues to extend her oppressions, time after time after time on the eves of their expirations. Governors in other states have done even worse, especially Michigan governor, Gretchen Whitmer, who...

  • Felon-Hubbard-Republican: one who is a Kleptocrat or advocates serial Kleptocracy

    John Sophocleus|Nov 1, 2020

    Revealing how many found my last column (and FB post) too harsh on an impenitent Michael Gregory Hubbard serving his “indeed justly” earned prison sentence. One journalist stipulated Felon Hubbard’s wrongdoing but asserted himself as more sage than a Lee County jury along with the accomplished, well recognized Jurist, Jacob Walker. Last month’s Alabama Gazette included discussion on how well incumbent Mayors fared across the State being reelected. One of the most revealing observations was fro...

  • 2020 Election: The Robe-Short Fuse

    John W. Giles|Nov 1, 2020

    As we turn 3rd base, heading for home during this 2020 election cycle, I am grappling about what to discuss in this article, because there is a trojan horse, multi-layered choreographed theatre unleashed on America. It is like lighting the fuse on a pack of firecrackers and all at once there are these uncontrollable, loud, disruptive, unsettling and untraceable mental gymnastics dizzily swirling. All of this is sourced back to the Democrats. I have entitled this article, The Robe and Short...

  • The Pandemic or the Lockdown

    Daniel Sutter|Nov 1, 2020

    COVID-19 has killed over 200,000 Americans while policies to stem the virus’ spread have caused enormous economic and societal harm. Any comparison must use a common metric, and economics uses dollars, even for human lives. No one can avoid placing a dollar value on saving lives; always choosing safety just places an infinite dollar value on life. Our only option is whether to evaluate tradeoffs. Economists use the value of a statistical life (VSL) for policies regulating risk. The method u...

  • Air Superiority Then; Space Superiority Now – The Battle of Britain 80 Years Hence

    Justice Will Sellers|Nov 1, 2020

    Eighty years ago this week, hurricane season ended when the Royal Air Force won the Battle of Britain by stopping the Nazi war machine at the edge of the English Channel. Before the summer of 1940, Hitler had derided Great Britain as a nation of shopkeepers. Göring’s seemingly superior Luftwaffe pilots were outdone by the young British RAF, aided by friendly forces—not the least of which was a squadron of Polish pilots. They had shown the world that the Nazi juggernaut could be countered through...

  • Buddy Watch Walk Takes a Lunch Break with the Alabama Gazette & Other Veterans

    Participants in the Buddy Watch Walk, a portion of which was held in Montgomery, AL, October 29, gathered for a luncheon and program at the offices of the Alabama Gazette on the afternoon of Wednesday, October 28. Sam Adams, co-owner of the Gazette, and the staff opened the office doors with light lunch consisting of Chick-Fil-A and Chappy’s Deli. This was a simple way to honor what this amazing group is doing for Veterans and other Americans facing situations such as domestic violence, b...

  • Gazette Celebrates its 21st Anniversary in Partnership with That's My Dog / That's My Child

    Alabama Gazette Publishing celebrated its 21st Anniversary on Tuesday, October 13, 2020. Loretta Grant founded the newspaper in 2000 as the “People’s Paper.” It is dedicated to God, Family and Country, and stands in the gap where other print media shies away from telling it like it is. Unfortunately, due to a family illness, Mrs. Grant was unable to attend this year’s celebration of the newspaper she truly loves. The Coronavirus has forced us to find a new normal when it comes to large gatheri...

  • Respect and Civility: Where Have They Gone? Part Two

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Nov 1, 2020

    Civility is formal politeness in behavior and speech! Civility comes from the Latin word “civis” which means “citizen”. So, civility is civilized conduct. The Bible actually has a lot to say about civility. “Treat others the way you want to be treated.” - Jesus, Luke 6:31 “Let your conversations be always full of grace and seasoned with salt.” - Paul, Colossians 4:6 “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.” - James, James 1:19 Well, I think it is safe to...

  • Honoring Our Heroes

    Martha Poole Simmons|Nov 1, 2020

    Romay Catherine Davis – 101st Birthday Parade in Her Honor! On November 4th, over 120 people participated in the 101st Birthday Drive-by Parade honoring the WWII WAC, Romay Catherine Davis. Participants included multiple fire engines and police cars from the Montgomery Fire and Rescue Department and the Police Department. The VFW, DAR, American Legion and the AL Dept. of Veterans Affairs were represented in the parade. Thirty-five members of the Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club from AL and S...

  • Southern Cuisine - November

    David Spooner|Nov 1, 2020

    Carnitas (Pulled Pork) Ingredients For the carnitas 2 1/2 pounds pork shoulder (also known as 'pork butt') 1 tablespoon lime juice 1 orange quartered 2 teaspoons coarse sea salt 2 teaspoons ground cumin 1 teaspoon chili powder 1 teaspoon garlic powder 1 teaspoon dried oregano 1 teaspoon onion powder 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper 12 ounces dark beer (recommend Negra Modelo) or 12 ounces of chicken broth) Method Slow Cooker Instructions 1. Cut the pork shoulder into 2-3-inch chunks. 2. Place...

  • New Season, Same Saga Plays Out on the Plains

    Stan Hurst|Nov 1, 2020

    It’s an all too familiar story that’s mushrooming up again at Auburn. The “we need to fire the head coach” anthem is growing stronger each week. For more seasons than I can count, this thing seems to bubble up as the losses pile up. So many times, the blame sees to get focused on the offensive coordinator. So let me see if I can get this straight. During the past four years, Auburn has had four different play callers, offensive coordinators; Rhett Lashley, Kenny Dillingham, Head Coach Gus Mal...

  • Southern Gardening - Potpourri for November

    Judge Peggy Givhan|Nov 1, 2020

    With Fall definitely in the air, we now have low humidity and cool days. What a joy it is to be out of doors basking in the sunlight and soaking up the valuable Vitamin D. Article after article speaks to the efficacy of plenty of our sun’s gift to the world, vitamin D. When the world is experiencing this virus, it is wise to follow the recommendations of our doctors to help keep society safe until we get a vaccine. The wonderful holiday of Thanksgiving may be more subdued this year due to the v...

  • Tears & Laughter: Be Careful Which Cow You Cuddle!

    Amanda Walker|Nov 1, 2020

    I’m not saying we should go all the way back to Luckenbach, Texas…but honky-tonks may need to make a quick comeback because cow hugging has become one of the latest wellness trends. I don’t think that there is anything CBD Oil can do for you if you cuddle the wrong cow. The trend started in the Netherlands years ago after a Dutch farmer claimed cows to be very relaxed animals that do not fight or get into trouble. They are described as being patient and sweet. So naturally, it gravitated to th...

  • Be Thankful!

    Trisston Wright Burrows|Nov 1, 2020

    “Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness, come before him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God, it is he who made us, and we are his, we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise, give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good; his love endures forever, his faithfulness continues through all generations.” Psalm 100:1-5 All across our nation, Thanksgiving is a day that we set asi...

  • Fundraiser

  • Montgomery County Homicides Continue to Rise in 2020

    Nov 1, 2020

    A horrible attack against an infant led to the 63th Montgomery homicide in Montgomery. Homicide is simply one human taking the life of another. The Gazette does not limit homicide cases as defined by the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting guidelines. Nor is this report limited to the City limits, instead it includes the entire County. This overall number includes two County deaths, one in Ramer (May 20) and the other in Grady (Apr 25). The tally also includes one or more vehicular deaths (Mar 1, July...